'El Vuelo' of 'Cuarto Milenio' TV Program by means of drones in the Mysterious Navarre

The television program Cuarto Milenio has released a new installment of the section 'El Vuelo' in which Drone by Drone has been collaborating.

The new delivery of 'El Vuelo' focuses on Navarre and its most mysterious places, contemplated from the air by means of the drones of the drone operator company of Bilbao.

In this new installment, 'Cuarto Mienio' visits magical places such as Santa Maria de Eunate, Zugarramurdi, El Valle del Baztán or the Museo de las Calaveras de Estella. Places that you have seen of bird are contemplated in its most absolute beauty and mystery.

This is the link of the program, in which approximately 55 minutes into the broadcast.


Enjoy 'El Vuelo'

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