What is precision farming using drones?

Drone by Drone performs precision agriculture services within its wide range of possibilities through the use of drones.

Precision agriculture using drones begins with the capture of high precision aerial data using drones, with great value at the request of the farmer and then processed by specialized photogrammetric restitution software to obtain accurate agronomic reflectance maps of various indices which provide valuable crop data to the farmer.

Drone by Drone has prepared an informative video explaining the concept of precision agriculture with a brief summary of drone work and what types of data are provided to the farmer. In the video appear terms as NDVI, reflectance map, multispectral camera, fixed wing drone...

Enjoy the flights of the fixed-wing drone Sensefly eBee, the precise tool used by the spanish operating company for this type of work, in conjunction with the multicopters.

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