Tecuni Challenge, contribution of drones to digitalization in Basque Country

Drone by Drone participates in the Tecuni challenge, a new technological challenge in which drones have a lot to contribute.

The challenge to innovation launched by Bizkaia Open Future together with Tecuni, a VINCI Energies Spain company and a benchmark for Bizkaia in the field of energy, consists of providing solutions to facilitate the visualization of illuminated environments. An initiative in which Telefónica and BEAZ participate.

The drone operating company of Bilbao provides solutions to allow digitalizing in 3D the scenario to be presented to the municipality and the proposed luminaries. The joint use of drones and photogrammetry techniques allows to generate virtual tours within the work environment for the client.

Soon we will meet the chosen ones to develop the challenge in greater depth and provide the necessary solutions to the energy company.

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