Txakoli Txabarri Euskadi BTEM Food Innovation Award, for the use of our drones

Txakoli Txabarri has been awarded the Food Innovation in Euskadi - BTEM 2019, thanks to the use of our drones.

The use of drones for precision agriculture tasks that Txakoli Txabarri has launched has won the BTEM award in the innovation category in productive processes.

Drone by Drone has carried out precision agriculture work using drones for the Txakoli Txabarri winery since 2016, making important data available to the farmer to obtain higher yields and to improve the use of raw materials. The work done is paying off year after year for Txakoli Txabarri, and in the words of the jury of the Food Innovation Awards in Euskadi "The new process involves the introduction of 4.0 technologies in the so-called precision agriculture and is an important novelty with respect to the starting situation, both for the originality and change caused in the production processes and for the novelty of the technologies and tools used in this sector ".

"The jury has stressed the high level of change and implementation of the improvements caused by the use of drones in the process of monitoring and selective harvesting in the wine plantations of the designation of origin Bizkaiko Txakolina carried out by this family winery of The Encartaciones The new process involves the introduction of 4.0 technologies in the so-called precision agriculture and represents an important novelty regarding the starting situation, both for the originality and change caused in the production processes and for the novelty of the technologies and tools used in this sector.

The jury has also stressed the improvement of sustainability, both economically and environmentally, that derive from the implementation of this innovation: the best selectivity on where it is necessary to apply the fertilizer or on which plots need more or less irrigation, resulting in a considerable reduction in water consumption.

In addition, the harvest or selective collection identified by drones with aerial images has allowed us to identify the optimal moment for the collection of the fruit, as well as to achieve a homogenization of the grapes that enters the cellar, achieving an increase in quality (with several prizes to national and international level that accredit it) and the amount of harvest, which in turn results in a greater monetary return for the farmer.

The jury also wants to highlight the level of implementation of this new production process, the innovative component and change that it supposes in the business model for the clear opportunities for differentiation with respect to the competition and for the capacity of impact in other companies of the sector. "

It is a pride for Drone by Drone to have been able to contribute our grain of sand, which without the predisposition of Txabarri and its vision of future and illusion, could not have been carried out.

The awards will be presented at a gala that will take place on November 21 at the Bizkaia Auditorium.


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