STS-ES-01 and STS-ES-02 practical course for UAS pilots in May

Drone by Drone as a recognized entity for practical training by AESA launches the first practical call for National Standard Scenarios in Specific Category.

The practical phase of STS-ES-01 and STS-ES-02 will take place on May 11 and 12, with practices at the airfield.

If you are interested in participating in the practical training of the national standard scenarios of the specific category, do not hesitate to contact us by email at

The Bilbao operating company is an entity recognized by the State Aviation Safety Agency (AESA) for practical training of National Standard Scenarios in a Specific Category, as established in the EU Implementing Regulation 947/2019.

We recall that the national standard scenarios for the specific category allow operations within visual range (VLOS) to be carried out over a controlled land area in a populated environment and to perform operations beyond visual range (BVLOS) with airspace observers over a controlled land area. in a sparsely populated environment. Corresponding to LEVEL 3 training established by AESA in its guide on 'UAS Distance Pilot Training Competencies.

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