Fight against spring frosts in Rioja Alavesa

Drone by Drone has had the opportunity to collect aerial testimony of the fight against spring frosts that winemakers from different areas of Rioja and Rioja Alavesa undertake.

The UAS operating company based in Bizkaia has made aerial recordings in which one of the methods to prevent spring frosts from affecting the vineyards is appreciated, and thus entails a reduction in their productive capacity and therefore important losses for winemakers or farmers. We had the opportunity to contemplate and obtain aerial images of the burning of bales for the generation of smoke and thus alter the inversion of temperatures and prevent the cold air at height from affecting the vineyard, generating a warmer protective atmosphere. Other types of methods used are the burning of paraffin candles, irrigation or even helicopter flights to alter the dynamics of the air and prevent cold air from descending on the vines.

We hope that the measures taken have been able to save the harvest from this year's frost, as opposed to the losses suffered during the spring of 2017.

You can view the EiTB report on the vineyards of the Artuke de Baños de Ebro Winery in which we participate in the following link:

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