Drone by Drone participates in the 2020 Basque Innovation Perception Panel promoted by Innobasque

Drone by Drone has participated in the development of the 2020 Basque Innovation Perception Panel promoted by Innobasque.

This panel was attended by 250 experts from the Basque Science, Technology and Innovation System, including the Technical Director of Drone by Drone. These agents and experts are specifically involved in Basque innovation activity. The Perception of Basque Innovation report provides a qualitative analysis of the current and future state of the Basque Country and helps guide actions and decisions for the future.

The report seeks:

- Offer a vision, from science and technology, on the situation, evolution and future prospects of innovation in the Basque Country.
- Analyze the human capital of science, technology and innovation in the Basque Country
- Study the internationalization of R + D + i and its financing
- Raise the perspective for the next five years

In this third edition of the Plan, two surveys have been carried out, one prior to
the irruption of the health crisis and another, later. This report presents the results of the first on the structural situation of the Basque Science, Technology and Innovation System prior to the pandemic and the responses of the second survey on future prospects after the start of the pandemic.
These surveys show that the assessment of the Basque Science, Technology and Innovation System has improved and that the conditions for
develop the research career, the existence of public funding, the presence of trained research personnel, the targeting of public resources and the priority of the policy for the promotion of science, technology and innovation by the public powers. Among the aspects that could be improved are those related to private financing for R + D + i activities and the efficiency between the efforts made and the results achieved in Basque R + D + i.
Regarding future prospects, although the panel predicts that investment in R & D & I will decrease between 0% and 3% in 2020, it considers that the
The recovery will begin in 2021 and will be more intense in 2022. For this recovery, the panel believes that the keys that should guide the policy to support science, technology and innovation are the promotion of strategic country initiatives, digitization in companies and society and innovation in SMEs.

You can view the report at the following link:
https://www.innobasque.eus/microsite/expertos/equipos-de-innovacion/panel-percepcion-de-la-innovacion-vasca-2020/?_cldee=am9yZGlAZHJvbmVieWRyb25lLmNvbQ%3d%3d&recipientid=contact-dedf2d655a4be71180d700155dfa6506-82afac9d8af349ceb3eb369ff4e76389&utm_source=ClickDimensions&utm_medium = email & utm_campaign = Bulletin% C3% ADn% 2061 & esid = 0f80b1be-87d9-eb11-8105-00155dfa6506

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