AESA enables the procedure for converting RPAS pilots to UAS certificates under the EU Execution Regulation 2019/947

The State Aviation Safety Agency (AESA) has enabled the procedure for converting the RPAS piloting certificates issued under Law 18/2014 or RD1036 / 2017, to the new certificates recognized by the new European regulation, the Implementing Regulation of the EU 2019/947 and the EU Delegated Regulation 2019/945.

Until January 1, 2022, AESA facilitates the conversion of remote pilot certificates into certificates of remote pilot competence. The purpose of this procedure is the enrollment by those interested in the training and conversion course to obtain the Online Training Passing Test.

The certificate conversion will be done as follows:

a) The basic or advanced certificate issued in accordance with Law 18/2014, as well as the means of justification of theoretical knowledge indicated in article 34 of Royal Decree 1036/2017, together with an online course of adaptation to European regulations organized by AESA, it will be considered equivalent to:

i. the proof of passing the online training and theoretical knowledge exam corresponding to the ‘open’ category, subcategories A1 and A3 of UAS operations.

ii. The remote pilot competence certificate corresponding to the 'open' category, subcategory A2 of UAS operations.

b) Basic or advanced certificates together with practical certificates issued in accordance with Royal Decree 1036/2017 and Law 18/2014, together with an online course to adapt to European regulations organized by AESA, will be considered equivalent to the certificate of knowledge theoretical and practical remote pilot skills for operations covered by the corresponding standard scenario ('STS') in the 'specific' category of UAS operations.

Certificates issued in accordance with the provisions of RD 1036/2017, dated after 12/31/2020, will not be converted to EU certificates, except those that have been issued to carry out NON-EASA activities.

In the following link you can have access to the conversion procedure:;jsessionid=DOh6DmYsB7bOLwrnGuAPNdx-.undefined?id=129

To ensure the correct treatment of your request, please note the following:
It is not possible to carry out by this means the requests that require the presentation of the original paper documents.
If you have to present original documents for verification, they must have been electronically signed by the issuer and have a Secure Verification Code for their collation.

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