Monitoring of works by drones and inspections by drones

The generation of audiovisual content for promotional purposes in which the evolution of the state of the work throughout its execution is shown through videos or photos, are important commercial tools, even more so for strategic or singular infrastructure works. During the process of creating the aerial video, attention must be paid to the common thread of the story that you want to tell, whose main protagonist is the execution of the works and the particularity of each one of them.

Through the use of drones or UAS, it is possible to cover in an image or frame, either static (photo type) or moving (video type), a lot of work surface to be able to obtain elevated and strategically positioned points of view with great flexibility and without support structure.

At the same time, the UAS also provide services for the digitization of the construction process for the inspection, monitoring and quality control of the works, as well as their subsequent maintenance. The use of drones in large areas or in elevated structures simplifies the capture of aerial data, through different types of cameras, and optimizes the inspection and quality control processes in many aspects.

As a UAS operating company, Drone by Drone, continues to carry out this type of work and try to promote its use. For a sample, a recording of an attractive and different audiovisual product, in which great importance is attached to the dynamism of the image.

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