Osasun Drone, inter-hospital transportation by drones

Drone by Drone will present 'Osasun Drone' during the celebration of the XXXVII Congress of Assistance Quality in Health that will take place at the Kursaal Palace in Donostia on October 23, 24 and 25.

The 'Osasun Drone' Project will be presented by the drone operator company in a workshop-talk within the celebration of the congress organized by the Spanish Society for Healthcare Quality (SECA).

'Osasun Drone' is part of the application of new technologies to improve health care and its logistics processes, using the drone tool as a substantial improvement in the delivery times of sanitary transport material between hospitals.

The health sector should not remain oblivious to the implementation of technologies such as the automation of processes carried out by drones, being able to become another tool of the process. The technical viability of 'Osasun Drone' ranges from the sending of sanitary samples for laboratory analysis to the transfer of organs between different centers, competing with traditional air and land means.

The workshop will revolve around the prototype of 'OSASUN DRONE' and the videos made of its initial tests, in addition to a presentation that will try to specify the improvements of the system as well as the simulation and planning of flights between different hospitals of Osakidetza, making evaluations from service.

In addition, in collaboration with Ertzaintza, during the workshop, the main regulatory problems facing this type of Projects and the possibility of gradually integrating them into our airspace will be addressed.

You can check the Program at the following link:

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