Drone by Drone has launched a new call for practical training in drone piloting in the national standard scenarios, STS-ES-01 and STS-ES-02, of the specific category according to EU Implementing Regulation 947/2019. Continuing with the training work that we began in...
Practical training for new European standard scenarios, STS-01 and STS-02
The State Aviation Safety Agency, AESA, has recently published the guide for practical training in the European standard scenarios, STS-01 and STS-02, different from the national STS-ES-01 and STS-ES-02. Implementing Regulation EU 947/2019 establishes in point 4 of article 23 the...
Master of specialization in remotely piloted aircraft, drones or UAS at FP AndraMari de Galdakao
The Andra Mari de Galdakao Professional Training Center, with the help of Drone by Drone after the collaboration agreement signed last year, has announced the beginning of the Specialization Master in unmanned aircraft, drones or UAS, for the next academic...
Support to FP Bidasoa for CTR flight by his students of the Drone Specialization Course
Drone by Drone has supported the teaching staff of the Bidasoa Vocational Training Center in Irún to carry out flights using drones in controlled airspace or CTR. Within the training program taught to students of the RPAS or drone Specialization Course,...
Agrarian Digitalization Course through the use of drones by Drone by Drone for HAZI
Ander García, Technical Director of Drone by Drone, is going to teach an employment training course for HAZI, under the title: AGRICULTURAL DIGITALIZATION, USES OF DRONES Next Thursday, March 14, from 3:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m., the aforementioned course will be...
New group of the drone radio operator course in Bilbao by Drone by Drone
Drone by Drone has completed the delivery of the course to obtain the Radio Operator certificate for a new group of students, during January 24 and 25, carrying out the theoretical and practical phase during both days. The radio operator qualification...
We collaborate with the 'Egin eta Ekin' Program to promote entrepreneurial culture
We are delighted to be able to collaborate with the 'Egin eta Ekin' Program promoted by the Provincial Council of Bizkaia to promote entrepreneurship among secondary and high school students. In our BIC Bizkaia offices, we receive students from the IES...
We participated in the Drone Specialization Course taught by the CIFP Bidasoa
Our Technical Director has participated in giving a talk or practical class in the Professional Training Specialization Course in Remotely Piloted Aircraft - Drones. Within the training offer offered this year by the CIFP Bidasoa of Irún, there is the aforementioned...
Practical drone training for STS-ES-01 and STS-ES-02 accreditation by Drone by Drone
Drone by Drone has made a new call for practical training in the national standard scenarios, STS-ES-01 and STS-ES-02, of the specific category according to EU Implementing Regulation 947/2019. Continuing with the training work that we began in 2015, Drone by...
We participate in the STEAM Sare conferences organized by the Department of Education of the Basque Government
Drone by Drone, represented by our colleague Jordi Monedero, has participated in the STEAM SARE 2023 conference organized by the Department of Education of the Basque Government. The event, framed within the STEAM Euskadi strategy, has had the collaboration of Innobasque...
Accreditation of practical training of UAS STS-ES-01 and STS-ES-02 by Drone by Drone
Drone by Drone has completed the provision of practical training for a new group of student pilots in the national standard scenarios, STS-ES-01 and STS-ES-02. Continuing with the training work that we began in 2015, Drone by Drone as a UAS...
Specialized training in UAS for the Quito Fire Department by Drone by Drone
Drone by Drone has trained eight members of the Quito Fire Department (Ecuador) in piloting UAS or drones under the standards set out in European regulations. The Bizkaia drone operating company has completed the specialized training process for eight firefighters from...
Radio operator course for UAS pilots by Drone by Drone
Drone by Drone has finished teaching the course to obtain the Radiophonist certificate, on February 27 and 28, carrying out the theoretical and practical phase during both days. The radio operator qualification allows the UAS pilot to carry out air operations...
Accreditation of practical training of UAS STS-ES-01 and STS-ES-02 by Drone by Drone
Drone by Drone continues to provide practical training in the national standard scenarios, STS-ES-01 and STS-ES-02, for a new group of student-pilots. Continuing with the training work that we began in 2015, Drone by Drone as a UAS operator registered with...
Drone by Drone continues to provide practical training in the national standard scenarios, STS-ES-01 and STS-ES-02, for a new group of student-pilots. Continuing with the training work that we began in 2015, Drone by Drone as a UAS operator registered with...
Accreditation of practical training UAS STS-ES-01 and STS-ES-02 by Drone by Drone
Drone by Drone continues to provide practical training in the national standard scenarios, STS-ES-01 and STS-ES-02, for a new group of student-pilots. Let us remember that in order to fly under the specific category in these scenarios, the remote pilot, in...
Intergenerational drone training workshop for BBK Sasoiko
Drone by Drone will give an intergenerational training workshop for learning drone piloting by adults (in this case over 60 years of age) and their minor companions (in this case under 15 years of age) within the BBKSASOIKO Intergenerational Campus...
Practical training accreditation UAS 2022 STS-ES-01 and STS-ES-02 by Drone by Drone
We started the year by giving practical training of the national standard scenarios, STS-ES-01 and STS-ES-02, for a new group of student-pilots. Let us remember that in order to fly under the specific category in these scenarios, the remote pilot, in...
UAS practical training UAS STS-ES-01 and STS-ES-02 by Drone by Drone
Drone by Drone has recently carried out practical training for the national standard scenarios, STS-ES-01 and STS-ES-02. Let us remember that to fly under the specific category in these scenarios, the remote pilot, in addition to having the theoretical STS certificate...
AV Enterprise Project launches the PROFESSIONAL UAV MASTER of drones
The UAV ENTERPRISE PROJECT association launches, through Drone by Drone and the rest of its associated companies, the MASTER UAV PROFESSIONAL, with the intention of offering specialized training for professionals who want to get the most out of drones in...
AESA enables the procedure for converting RPAS pilots to UAS certificates under the EU Execution Regulation 2019/947
The State Aviation Safety Agency (AESA) has enabled the procedure for converting the RPAS piloting certificates issued under Law 18/2014 or RD1036 / 2017, to the new certificates recognized by the new European regulation, the Implementing Regulation of the EU...
UAS piloting course for the ERNE union
Drone by Drone is going to give a drone piloting course for the ERNE union, which groups together the bodies and security forces of the Basque Country, both Ertzaintza, Miñones, Forales, Mikeletes and Local Police. The course has been specifically designed...
STS-ES-01 and STS-ES-02 practical course for UAS pilots in May
Drone by Drone as a recognized entity for practical training by AESA launches the first practical call for National Standard Scenarios in Specific Category. The practical phase of STS-ES-01 and STS-ES-02 will take place on May 11 and 12, with practices...
Drone by Drone entity recognized by AESA for practical training of National Standard Scenarios STS
Drone by Drone is an entity recognized by the State Aviation Safety Agency (AESA) for practical training of National Standard Scenarios in a Specific Category, as established in the EU Execution Regulation 947/2019. The Bilbao UAS operating company has been recognized...
Courses and advise for drone pilots - UAS according to European Regulation
Drone by Drone has renewed its training offer to adapt to the new requirements established by the State Agency for Aviation Safety (AESA), following the standards set by the European Union through EASA, for the flight of UAS according to...
New training offer for drone pilots - UAS according to European legislation
With the entry into force of the EU Implementing Regulation 947/2019, the training needs of new drone or UAS pilots are modified, as well as the operation of unmanned aircraft, establishing a new system of categories and requirements. Drone by Drone...
RPAS training for Security Forces and Corps - drones
Drone by Drone continues to offer RPAS training to agents from different Security Forces and Bodies. The talks that the specialized staff of the Biscayan operating company give to the different police forces, both local and regional, focus mainly on the...
RPAS pilot training for the Municipal Police of Valladolid by Drone by Drone
Drone by Drone has provided RPAS piloting training to a group of controls from the Municipal Police of Valladolid. During a tailor-made course for the local security corps, theoretical classes have been given, both online and face-to-face, along with practices in...
XXI Promotion of RPAS Pilots formed by Drone by Drone
Drone by Drone has completed the teaching of the drone piloting course for the call corresponding to May-June 2020. The XXI promotion of RPAS pilots trained by Drone by Drone has successfully passed the theoretical course and the practical course (theoretical...
New call for drones piloting course - RPAS in May-June
Drone by Drone continues with the teaching of drone piloting courses or RPAS. Due to the Covid-19 crisis, the face-to-face phase of the first piloting course of 2020, has had to be postponed until a new date, so according to what...
Drone by Drone incorporates its resources to the Ritrac International Project
Drone by Drone incorporates its resources to the Ritrac International Project, an initiative led by Arturo García Almendros, of Ritrac. The objective of the project is to add the resources of the leading drone operating companies in each autonomous community to...
We collaborate with the CanSat and NETHUNS EOLO projects of La Salle School
Drone by Drone collaborates with the innovative projects of the students of the La Salle school in Bilbao. The CAN SAT project (@arkhesat) is a satellite launched from a rocket and deposited in ultra-low orbit at 1km high, whose primary mission...
Drone Pilot Course - Official RPAS Theoretical and Practical Pilot
Drone by Drone has prepared the calendar of drone piloting courses for this year 2020. The drone operating company in Bilbao continues to train future professional RPAS pilots, to obtain the advanced theoretical certificate and to obtain the practical certificate. The...
Drone Piloting and Management Course for Industrial Use - Construction
Drone by Drone will teach a Drone Pilot and Management Course for Industrial and Construction use of 60h duration within the SEPE training program aimed primarily at employed workers. During the months of February and March of next year, the operating...
XX Promotion of RPAS Pilot Course by Drone by Drone
Drone by Drone has finished the drone piloting course for the call corresponding to October-November 2019. The XX promotion of RPAS pilots formed by Drone by Drone has successfully passed the theoretical course and the practical course (theoretical - practical). The pilot...
I Radiophonist course for RPAS pilots by Drone by Drone
Drone by Drone has completed the teaching of the First Radiophonist Course held last week, on September 25 and 26, carrying out the theoretical and practical phase during both days. The radio operator qualification allows the RPAS pilot to carry out...
XXI Promotion of Drones Pilot Course by Drone by Drone
Drone by Drone has completed the teaching of the drone piloting course in Bilbao corresponding to the June-July 2019 call. The XXI promotion of RPAS pilots formed by Drone by Drone has successfully passed the theoretical course and the practical course...
I Course of Qualification of Radiophonist for RPAS by Drone by Drone
Drone by Drone announces the delivery of the Course of Radiofonista for pilots of RPAS official recognized by AESA. The radiophonist qualification allows the pilot of the RPAS to perform specialized air operations in controlled airspace, being one of the requirements...
Drones Pilot Course, new promotion and next call in Bilbao
Drone by Drone has completed the delivery of the drone piloting course in Bilbao corresponding to the March-April convocation. The XX promotion of RPAS pilots formed by Drone by Drone has satisfactorily passed the theoretical course and the practical course (theoretical...
XIX promotion of drone pilots formed by Drone by Drone, school of RPAS pilots in Bilbao
Drone by Drone has completed the delivery of the drone piloting course for the March-April convocation. The XIX promotion of RPAS pilots formed by Drone by Drone has satisfactorily passed the theoretical course and the practical course (theoretical - practical). The...
I Promotion of drone pilots in Ciudad Real and XVIII Drone by Drone promotion
I Promotion of drone pilots in Valdepeñas and XVIII Promotion of Drone by Drone. The drone piloting school in Bilbao begins in 2019 with the delivery of a new drone piloting course. In this case it is about the Promotion of...
The drone pilot school in Bilbao ends the year 2018 with the delivery of a new drone piloting course. Drone by Drone has finished the delivery of the drone driving course for the November-December convocation, taking advantage of the good weather...
Drone Pilot Course in Bilbao. Next call September 2018
The next drone driving course that Drone by Drone officially teaches begins on September 10, 2018. The pilots of RPAS or drones, a profession currently in demand, will become the professionals that handle the most technologically advanced tools in the future...
XIV Promotion of Drone Pilots formed by Drone by Drone
The XIV Promotion of RPAS pilots formed by Drone by Drone has completed its flight practices in a satisfactory manner. With the arrival of good weather, students enjoy RPAS practices in the field of flight. New convocation of drone pilots formed...
Final Phase of the Drones Pilot Training Course for Inguralde
The pupils of the drone driving classes or RPAS of the course offered by Inguralde are already in the final phase of the same performing the flight practices. Drone by Drone, as a drone operator and pilot training company of RPAS,...
XII Promotion of Drone Pilots formed by Drone by Drone
The XII Promotion of RPAS pilots formed by Drone by Drone was the first call in which the students and future drone pilots have studied the subject based on the provisions of the new RD 1036/2017. The XII has finished...
Drone Pilot Course 100% subsidized by Inguralde, Barakaldo City Council.
The City Council of Barakaldo, through its Agency for Inguralde Development, has once again offered training courses for subsidized drone piloting (free) within the Txertatu Merkatuan program. The new call is for the end of February at the beginning of...
Drones Pilot Courses for 2018 by Drone by Drone
On the Drone by Drone website (www.dronebydrone.com) the calendar of courses planned for the year 2018 is already updated. The drone operating company of Bilbao offers official training of drone piloting or RPAS in its modern and comfortable facilities. You can check...
Drones Pilot Training Course in Barakaldo by Inguralde - Unemployed
The City Council of Barakaldo, through its Agency for development Inguralde , offers training courses on drone piloting subsidized within the Txertatu Merkatuan program. The courses of drone pilots or RPAS are published at the following web address. http://www.inguralde.com/web/empleo/txertatu-merkatuan/pilotaje-de-drones.html Tomorrow, Tuesday November 21,...
XI Promotion of Drone Pilots formed by Drone by Drone
The XI Promotion of drone pilots formed by Drone by Drone has successfully completed the course with flight practices. Drone by Drone teaches drone piloting training officially, under AESA certification. As a result of the training work that the drone operating...