LIDAR on board drones - Obtaining point cloud

Drone by Drone carries out work using LIDAR on board drones, to obtain aerial data that allows us to generate precise and dense point clouds, even in the most extreme conditions. The technique of using LIDAR, based on a laser emitting device, allows the environment or elements of interest to be digitized with great precision.

In a certain way, the LIDAR technique and photogrammetry give us similar results, materialized in the resulting point clouds in both cases. The use of each technique by drones has its pros and cons. LIDAR allows us to more faithfully capture the digital model of the terrain without vegetation, since it has a greater penetration capacity than photogrammetry in forest masses.

The attached image shows a true color point cloud captured through a drone or UAS flight equipped with Livox-type Lidar. The fact that the point cloud is generated in real color is due to the capture of LIDAR data together with an RGB sensor, which allows each acquired point to be endowed with RGB properties.

The resulting product obtained is highly realistic, allowing valuable data to be obtained from the inspected terrain, as well as from the forest masses or trees.

Planning for these types of flights is done in a similar way to photogrammetry flights, and the drone's positioning accuracy is also based on RTK-corrected data.

It is therefore a precise and efficient way to obtain data from the terrain and plant masses, with the ability to subsequently calculate the inspected elements.

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