Drone by Drone participates in the SACCIF Project: Advanced Forest Fire Fighting System

Drone by Drone participates in the SACCIF Project: Advanced Forest Fire Fighting System. This is an innovation initiative that aims to develop an advanced support tool for the Asturias fire department in the fight against forest fires.

The project is divided into two phases: the first involves the creation of a platform that uses drones and sensors to provide information in real time, and the second considers the implementation of Artificial Intelligence to improve the platform.

The SACCIF project is led by the GAIA cluster and financed through the line of aid to support Innovative Business Groups of the Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Tourism, and has the participation of the Innovasturias cluster and the companies Hispavista, Drone By Drone, TreliaData and Cetemas.

In an unprecedented effort to address one of the most pressing threats in Spain, the SACCIF (Advanced Forest Fire Fighting System) project is taking a bold step towards a safer and more sustainable future. This pioneering system focuses on creating a next-generation tool to support brave firefighting teams in their mission to fight wildfires.

Phase 1: Cutting-edge Technology and Real-Time Data

In the first phase of this exciting project, drones equipped with a variety of high-tech sensors will be used to collect real-time data on wildfires. This data will include critical information on fire spread, weather conditions, topography and other essential factors. The drones will become the eyes in the sky, providing an accurate and timely view of the situation to fire crews on the ground.

The ability to access data in real time is a fundamental advance in fighting wildfires. Firefighters will have accurate and up-to-date information that will allow them to make more informed decisions and respond more effectively in emergency situations.

Phase 2: Artificial Intelligence for Greater Efficiency

The second phase of the SACCIF project will explore the application of Artificial Intelligence (AI) to further improve the platform. AI will allow the collected data to be analyzed and provide more accurate recommendations to fire crews. The ability to adjust strategies in real time and predict the evolution of fires will be an invaluable resource for response teams.

Forest fires represent a serious threat to the natural ecosystems of Spain and surrounding communities. The data reveals a significant increase in the magnitude of fires and affected areas in recent years, which has resulted in the loss of valuable natural resources and considerable CO2 emissions into the atmosphere.

The implementation of SACCIF aims to address crucial challenges faced by firefighters, including the lack of real-time information, optimization of resources and risk reduction for firefighting teams.

The SACCIF project marks a milestone in the fight against forest fires in Spain and has the potential to make a difference in the protection of natural resources and the safety of communities affected by these disasters. This innovative initiative represents a step forward in mitigating a growing threat in Spain, offering a safer and more sustainable future for all.

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