Presentation event for the SACCIF firefighting project using drones

Drone by Drone will participate in the next presentation event of the SACCIF Project, organized by GAIA, online with the aim of publicizing the final results of the SACCIF project - Advanced Forest Fire Fighting System. During this industrial research project, the design of a prototype that is capable of simulating forest fires in real time and that is a support tool for extinction teams has been studied. With a telematic presentation, by the companies involved, the results obtained in the different phases and technologies studied will be presented.

The implementation of SACCIF aims to address crucial challenges faced by firefighters, including the lack of real-time information, optimization of resources and risk reduction for firefighting teams. Drones or unmanned aircraft play a fundamental role in obtaining aerial data, both before the fire, during or after it, for the analysis of different variables.

The SACCIF project marks a milestone in the fight against forest fires in Spain and has the potential to make a difference in the protection of natural resources and the safety of communities affected by these disasters. This innovative initiative represents a step forward in mitigating a growing threat in Spain, offering a safer and more sustainable future for all.

The first phase of the SACCIF project has been developed for one year and is co-financed through the AEI support aid line of the Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Tourism (MINCOTUR). The project began in June, coordinated by the GAIA Cluster.

The companies that have participated in the project are HISPAVISTA, DRONEBYDRONE and TRELIADATA, together with the CETEMAS technology center and the INNOVASTURIAS cluster. These are entities related to the field of sustainability and digitalization, which essentially work for industrial sectors in the generation, processing and interpretation of data with high added value.

The results of the first phase will be presented on April 10 from 10:00-11:30 at the final project event. You can register for it through the following link:

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